Tuesday, July 8, 2014


So I've got a few issues really just eating at me.  1. The Car an issue I've no control over which is just kinda killing me. 2. My second job it's taken a turn for the worse.  3. Where I'm staying my first couple weeks in LA.

I don't own my car it's in my dads name.  I simply didn't have the money for a car if I wanted to move to California and he owns 6 vehicles so it seemed logical to borrow one for an extended period.  The car is in his name he's got better insurance rates and it negates the emissions test and the like I'd have to pay for when moving.  Problem is now the mustang has a transmission issue.  I took the car in because the linkages were slipping (a simple fix) but I did point out to them that the car only works properly with OD off.  I've come to the conclusion that they are now trying scare us into replacing the transmission (something they were already supposed to have done this past August)  So they either screwed us then with an $1400 Torque Converter or they are trying to now with an $1800 rebuilt transmission.  Dad had the idea of doing Linkages and selling it and getting something else.  I'm of the mind of well we do that we better do it quick I've 56 days before I leave.  I'm also willing to just take it back and go with it but I need a decision made because sitting on it for a week is just annoying.  I don't know what vehicle I'll be taking what all I can get into it, the worst part is the complete lack of control over the situation.

The second Job oh the job.  Over the past couple weeks the thermostat in the kitchen has been roughly 120 degrees.  I'm working a position I have little confidence in most of the time lately and the heat (likely) is making everyone snap at each other.  I was actually told the other day that I could leave (by another line cook) if my attitude was going to stay the way it had (an argument about the size of a plate (we were out of the appropriate size and my substitute was inadequate)  I left.  I'd been getting blamed for a bunch of issues that weren't my fault (it's a 2 man position and the other guy was getting distracted).  So I was done for 9 minutes.  On the way out the door I had a conversation with the managers who were there and they talked me into going back on the line.  Problem is nobody is fixing the problems.  There is no portion control so you can never be certain how long anything you fix might last, we have various size plates causing non stop breakages (or the lack of time to stack like plates is causing breakages take your pick) and that's just the tip of the iceberg really.  The problem is I knew 5-6 people before I went in and really like them I told them I needed a job until September and they so willingly helped me out  that I feel I need to stay (also the extra cash when leaving won't hurt).  I'm sure some other big blow up will happen soon and that annoys the hell out of me.  Why can't we all just be professional about it?

So the closer I get to my move date the more concern over those first few weeks grows.  I don't feel like I know anyone well enough, or well enough off to ask to stay at their place.  I mean I'm going to have to ask eventually but where to start, who to ask, when? It's essentially asking for help and I'm not one to do that readily.  I like to feel I earn things, deserve things and what I consider begging annoys the hell out of me.  Which is ironic for someone with an Indiegogo I know but it's never really gotten any money and I've always considered that more the price of seeing the film or mainly donations from friends and family I never fully expected anyone to donate to it.

As always Like Click Share and thanks for reading my rant.

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