Tuesday, February 25, 2014

September 1st

September 1st

It's 187 days away over a hundred days after May 14th.  It worries me to try and wait this long.  While I set goals for myself and I've achieved every goal I've ever set it's not always been in the speediest fashion.  I'm 30 and I'll graduate from college this year.  While not necessarily my fault in the delay that's kind of my issue.  Things happen beyond your control.

My biggest fear is that I'll never go.  I want to go.  I'm done here there is no progression.  I look around and have nothing to look forward to here.

Sure it'd give me more time to save up but I work at a job where for the past 5 or so years I've not been able to save anything it all goes to expenses so staying isn't really an argument for saving.  Sure after schools out I could get a second job but again I feel that'd be a disservice to them.  It'd give me more time to try and sell things I don't need but I feel if they don't sell in 80 days they likely won't sell in 180.

September 1st is a day to strictly satisfy my rental agreement.  Which if I could find a replacement or a sub-leaser it wouldn't matter.

I just don't see the benefits of waiting.  Does anyone else?

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