Sunday, April 13, 2014

Nay Sayers part 2

It amazes me the ability of people to criticize something you're trying to do.  What give them that right, if it doesn't directly effect them, why bother to try and shoot it down?

I've been told outright on more than one occasion this documentary will not get made that I'm wasting my time.  I'm not.  It'll get made no matter what the choice is yours if you want to help make that happen.  I hope you do because it's a bit stressful being a one man show.  I'm the director, the writer, the sound guy, the actor, the publicist all rolled into one.

I'm ok with that I feel I can handle it.  What I'm not ok with is so called friends with no knowledge telling me what is or isn't right.  "Friends" who don't actually read the blog a blog which has garnered over 3000 views in under a month.  That's 3000 other people that saw fit to check out what they've been shooting down.

Seeing as how most of my family doesn't have the money to help me out (they have been helping out in other ways that an Indiegogo can't show; mechanical work, donating food to help me save, finding people to buy what I'm selling) that means I need to get the word out I need to spread it around as much and as often as possible.  

I've got to get as many eyeballs on it as possible, because while this person or that person may not be able to help may not feel the inspiration or the passion that I feel for the project a friend of a friend may, maybe even a total stranger.

You just don't know who that person may be, be it extra cash they could donate, advice about a trip like this, who to contact when I get to LA, or even some places to stop and visit along the way. 

I mean hell Jonathan Frakes has read the blog.

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